Publication List

  1. Parallel Summation in P-recursive Extensions.
    Proceedings of ISSAC'24, pp. 82–90, ACM Press, 2024.
    with Ruyong Feng, Manuel Kauers, and Xiuyun Li:
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].

  2. Reduction-based Creative Telescoping for P-recursive Sequences via Integral Bases, 2025.
    Journal of Symbolic Computation, Volume 126, January--February 2025, 102341
    with Lixin Du, Manuel Kauers, and Rong-Hua Wang:
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].

  3. D-finiteness, rationality, and height III: multivariate Polya-Carlson dichotomy, 2024.
    Mathematische Zeitschrift, Volume 306, article number 70, 2024.
    with Jason P. Bell, Khoa D. Nguyen, and Umberto Zannier:
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].

  4. Telescopers for Differential Forms with One Parameter, 2024.
    Selecta Mathematica New Series, Volume 30, article number 36, 2024.
    with Ruyong Feng, Ziming Li, Michael F. Singer, and Stephen M. Watt:
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].

  5. Hermite Reduction for D-finite Functions via Integral Bases, 2023.
    Proceedings of ISSAC'23, pp. 155–163, ACM Press, 2023.
    with Lixin Du and Manuel Kauers:
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].

  6. Stability Problems on D-finite Functions, 2023.
    Proceedings of ISSAC'23, pp. 164–172, ACM Press, 2023.
    with Ruyong Feng, Zewang Guo and Wei Lu:
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].

  7. Stability Problems in Symbolic Integration, 2022.
    Proceedings of ISSAC'22, pp. 517–524, ACM Press, 2022.
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].

  8. Constructing Minimal Telescopers for Rational Functions in Three Discrete Variables, 2022.
    Advances in Applied Mathematics, 141: 12389, October 2022.
    with Qing-hu Hou, Hui Huang, George Labahn, and Rong-hua Wang:
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].
    This paper is dedicated to Professor Ziming Li on the occasion of his 60th birthday

  9. Rational Dynamical Systems, S-units, and D-finite Power Series, 2021.
    Algebra and Number Theory, 15(7): 1699–1728, 2021.
    with Jason P. Bell and Ehsaan Hossain:
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].

  10. Lazy Hermite Reduction and Creative Telescoping for Algebraic Functions, 2021.
    Proceedings of ISSAC'21, pp. 75–82, ACM Press, 2021.
    with Lixin Du and Manuel Kauers:
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].

  11. Separability Problems in Creative Telescoping, 2021.
    Proceedings of ISSAC'21, pp. 83–90, ACM Press, 2021.
    with Ruyong Feng, Pingchuan Ma and Michael F. Singer:
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].
    This paper received the "ISSAC2021 Distinguished Paper Award"

  12. On the Existence of Telescopers for Rational Functions in Three Variables, 2020.
    Journal of Symbolic Computation, 104: 494–522, 2021.
    with Lixin Du, Rong-hua Wang and Chaochao Zhu:
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].

  13. Integral Bases for P-Recursive Sequences, 2020.
    Proceedings of ISSAC'20, pp. 91–98, ACM Press, 2020.
    with Lixin Du, Manuel Kauers, and Thibaut Verron:
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].

  14. Existence Problem of Telescopers for Rational Functions in Three Variables: the Mixed Cases.
    Proceedings of ISSAC'19, pp. 82–89, ACM Press, 2019.
    with Lixin Du and Chaochao Zhu:
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].

  15. Apparent Singularities of D-finite Systems.
    Journal of Symbolic Computation, 95: 217–237, 2019.
    with Manuel Kauers,Ziming Li, Yi Zhang :
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].

  16. Proof of the Wilf-Zeilberger Conjecture for Mixed Hypergeometric Terms.
    Journal of Symbolic Computation, 93: 133–147, 2019.
    with Christoph Koutschan:
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].

  17. How to Generate All Possible Rational Wilf-Zeilberger Pairs?.
    Algorithms and Complexity in Mathematics, Epistemology, and Science, edited by N. Fillion, R. M. Corless and I. S. Kotsireas, Fields Institute Communications book series, 82: 17–34, 2019, Springer New York.
    Dedicated to the memory of Jonathan M. Borwein and Ann Johnson:
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].

  18. Additive Decompositions in Primitive Extensions.
    Proceedings of ISSAC'18, pp. 135–142, ACM Press, 2018.
    with Hao Du and Ziming Li:
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].

  19. Bivariate Extensions of Abramov's Algorithm for Rational Summation.
    Advances in Computer Algebra, In Honour of Sergei Abramov's 70th Birthday, edited by C.Schneider, E.Zima, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics 226, 93–104, 2018:
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].

  20. Reduction-based Creative Telescoping for Fuchsian D-finite Functions.
    Journal of Symbolic Computation, 85: 108–127, 2018.
    with Mark van Hoeij , Manuel Kauers, Christoph Koutschan:
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].

  21. Power Series with Coefficients from a Finite Set.
    Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A., 151: pp. 241–253, 2017.
    with Jason P. Bell:
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].

  22. Some Open Problems Related to Creative Telescoping.
    Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 30(1): pp. 154–172, 2017.
    with Manuel Kauers:
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].

  23. Combinatorics of Hybrid Sets.
    Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC'16), pp. 60–64, IEEE, 2016.
    with Stephen M. Watt:
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].

  24. Existence Problem of Telescopers: Beyond the Bivariate Case.
    Proceedings of ISSAC'16, pp. 167–174, ACM Press, 2016.
    with Qing-hu Hou , George Labahn, Ronghua Wang:
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].

  25. Reduction-Based Creative Telescoping for Algebraic Functions.
    Proceedings of ISSAC'16, pp. 175–182, ACM Press, 2016.
    with Manuel Kauers, Christoph Koutschan:
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].

  26. Desingularization of Ore Operators.
    Journal of Symbolic Computation 74(C): 617-626, 2016.
    with Manuel Kauers, Michael F. Singer :
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].

  27. A Modified Abramov-Petkovsek Reduction and Creative Telescoping for Hypergeometric Terms.
    Proceedings of ISSAC'15, pp. 117–124, ACM Press, 2015.
    with Hui Huang, Manuel Kauers, Ziming Li :
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].

  28. On the Existence of Telescopers for Mixed Hypergeometric Terms
    Journal of Symbolic Computation 68:1-26, 2015.
    with Frédéric Chyzak, Ruyong Feng, Guofeng Fu, Ziming Li:
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].

  29. Parallel Telescoping and Parameterized Picard-Vessiot Theory.
    Proceedings of ISSAC'14, pp. 99–106, ACM Press, 2014.
    with Ruyong Feng, Ziming Li, Michael F. Singer:
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].
  30. A Generalized Apagodu-Zeilberger Algorithm.
    Proceedings of ISSAC'14, pp. 107–114, ACM Press, 2014.
    with Manuel Kauers, Christoph Koutschan:
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].

  31. On the Summability of Bivariate Rational Functions.
    Journal of Algebra, 409(2):320–343, 2014.
    with Michael F. Singer :
    [Published version] [Bibtex].

  32. Hermite Reduction and Creative Telescoping for Hyperexponential Functions.
    Proceedings of ISSAC'13, pp. 77–84, ACM Press, 2013.
    with Alin Bostan, Frédéric Chyzak, Ziming Li, Guoce Xin : [Supplementary material].
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].

  33. Desingularization Explains Order-Degree Curves for Ore Operators.
    Proceedings of ISSAC'13, pp. 157–164, ACM Press, 2013.
    with Maximilian Jaroschek, Manuel Kauers, Michael F. Singer:
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].

  34. A Note on the Diagonal Theorem of Bivariate Rational Formal Power Series (in Chinese).
    Acta Mathematica Sinica Chinese Series, 56 (2): 203--210, 2013.
    with Xiaoli Wu:
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].

  35. Multiplicative Decompositions of Multivariate q-Hypergeometric Terms (in Chinese).
    Journal of System Science and Mathematical Science Chinese Series, 32 (8): 1019-1032, 2012.
    with Ruyong Feng, Guofeng Fu, Jin Kang:
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].

  36. Residues and Telescopers for Bivariate Rational Functions.
    Advance in Applied Mathematics, 49(2):111–133, 2012.
    with Michael F. Singer :
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].

  37. Order-Degree Curves for Hypergeometric Creative Telescoping.
    Proceedings of ISSAC'12, pp. 122–129, ACM Press, 2012.
    with Manuel Kauers:
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].

  38. Telescopers for Rational and Algebraic Functions via Residues.
    Proceedings of ISSAC'12, pp. 130–137, ACM Press, 2012.
    with Manuel Kauers, Michael F. Singer :
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].

  39. Trading Order for Degree in Creative Telescoping
    Journal of Symbolic Computation 47(8):968-995, 2012.
    with Manuel Kauers:
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].

  40. On the Structure of Compatible Rational Functions.
    Proceedings of ISSAC'11, pp. 91–98, ACM Press, 2011.
    with Ruyong Feng, Guofeng Fu, Ziming Li :
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex].

  41. Complexity of Creative Telescoping for Bivariate Rational Functions.
    Proceedings of ISSAC'10, pp. 203–210, ACM Press, 2010.
    with Alin Bostan, Frédéric Chyzak, Ziming Li :
    [Preprint] [Published version] [Bibtex] [Maple Codes]