@article{Chen2025JSC, title = {Reduction-based creative telescoping for P-recursive sequences via integral bases}, journal = {Journal of Symbolic Computation}, volume = {126}, pages = {102341}, year = {2025}, issn = {0747-7171}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsc.2024.102341}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0747717124000452}, author = {Shaoshi Chen and Lixin Du and Manuel Kauers and Rong-Hua Wang}, keywords = {Abramov-Petkovšek reduction, P-recursive sequences, Symbolic summation}, abstract = {We propose a way to split a given bivariate P-recursive sequence into a summable part and a non-summable part in such a way that the non-summable part is minimal in some sense. This decomposition gives rise to a new reduction-based creative telescoping algorithm based on the concept of integral bases.} }