

5th Summer School in Symbolic Computation
Nanning, China, July 16-22, 2017

This summer school will provide an opportunity for Chinese students, young researchers and teachers to learn basic techniques on selected topics of symbolic computation. It will also be a forum for senior researchers working in the area and related areas to discuss recent advances and future developments and expansion of symbolic computation in China. Chinese and English will be the working languages in the summer school.


SSSC 2017 will offer five mini-courses taught by experienced Chinese professors:
+ ... (Xiutao Feng, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
+ The µ base theory of rational curve and curved surface and its application in geometric modeling (Xiaohong Jia, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
+ Hybrid computing in polynomial system solution (Nan Li, Tianjin University)
+ Based on polynomial algebra (Chenqi Mou, Beihang University)
+ Invariant-based Verification and Synthesis for Hybrid Systems (Naijun Zhan, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
These mini-courses will be at the graduate or advanced undergraduate level and each course will take ten hours.

Specialized lectures

Specialized one-hour lectures will be given by leading researchers. Confirmed invited speakers include:
+ Changbo Chen, Chinese Academy of Sciences
+ Liqian Chen, National University of Defense Technology
+ Shaoshi Chen, Chinese Academy of Sciences
+ Na Lei, Dalian University of Technology
+ Yanping Mu, Tianjin University of Technology
+ Yao Sun, Chinese Academy of Sciences
+ Dongming Wang, Guangxi University for Nationalities
+ Libo Yang, Nankai University

Symbolic Computation Seminar for Young Researchers

There will be a seminar for young researchers (Master and Ph.D. students, postdoc, etc.) to present their work. This seminar is organized by
+ Ruyong Feng, Chinese Academy of Sciences
+ Zhengfeng Yang, East China Normal University

Scientific Committee

+ Ruyong Feng, Chinese Academy of Sciences
+ Hongbo Li, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chair)
+ Dongming Wang, Guangxi University for Nationalities / Beihang University
+ Jinzhao Wu, Guangxi University for Nationalities
+ Zhengfeng Yang, East China Normal University

Organizing Committee

+ Ruyong Feng, Chinese Academy of Sciences
+ Hongbo Li, Chinese Academy of Sciences
+ Jing Yang, Guangxi University for Nationalities
+ Zhengfeng Yang, East China Normal University


Dr. Jing Yang
College of Software and Information Security
Guangxi University for Nationalities
Nanning 530006, China
Email: yangjing0930@gmail.com