... For Angling may be said to be so like the Mathematics that it can never be fully learned; at least not so fully but that there 
will still be more new experiments left for the trial of other men that succeed us. 

                                                      -- from The Compleat Angler by Izaak Walton 

Shaoshi Chen 陈绍示

Full Professor

Key Laboratory of Mathematics Mechanization

Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science

Chinese Academy of Sciences

East Road 55, Zhongguancun, 100190, Beijing.

Email:  schenATamss.ac.cn

Research Interests:



Professional Activities:

Academic Positions

  • Member At-Large of the [ISSAC Steering Committee] (July 2019 - July 2022)
  • Secretary of [ACM SIGSAM] (July 2021 - June 2025)
  • 中国数学会计算机数学专业委员会秘书长( Secretary of [Chinese Society of Computer Mathematics] ) (June 2021 - June 2025)
  • Editorial Boards

  • Journal of Symbolic Computation [Journal Homepage] (Since 2023)
  • Journal of Difference Equations and Applications [Journal Homepage] (Since 2023)
  • Maple Transactions (An open-access online journal) [Journal Homepage] (Since 2021)
  • Journal of Systems Science and Complexity [Journal Homepage] (Since 2020)
  • Annals of Combinatorics [Journal Homepage] (Since 2019)
  • 系统科学与数学 (Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences Chinese Series) [Journal Homepage] (Since 2019)
  • ACM Communications in Computer Algebra [Journal Homepage] (Since 2014)
  • Preprints:

    1. Flip Graphs for Polynomial Multiplication, 2025.
      with Manual Kauers: [PDF]

    2. Non-minimality of Minimal Telescopers Explained by Residues, 2025.
      with Manual Kauers, Christoph Koutschan, Xiuyun Li, Rong-hua Wang and Yisen Wang: [PDF]

    3. A Unification of Zeilberger's Algorithm and Its q-Analogue, 2025.
      with Hao Du, Yiman Gao, Hui Huang, and Ziming Li: [PDF]

    4. Bijections around Springer numbers, 2025.
      with Yang Li, Zhicong Lin, and Sherry H.F. Yan: [PDF]

    5. Patterns in Multi-dimensional Permutations, 2024.
      with Hanqian Fang, Sergey Kitaev, and Candice X.T. Zhang: [PDF]

    6. How to Generate All Possible Rational Wilf–Zeilberger Forms?, 2024.
      with Christoph Koutschan and Yisen Wang: [PDF]

    7. Symbolic Summation of Multivariate Rational Functions, 2025 (updated).
      with Lixin Du and Hanqian Fang: [PDF] [Maple package] To appear in Foundations of Computational Mathematics

    8. Reducing hyperexponential functions over monomial extensions, 2023.
      with Hao Du, Yiman Gao, and Ziming Li: [PDF] To appear in Journal of Systems Science and Complexity.

    Published Papers: publist

    PhD Students:

    1. Chen Li (李宸,2024/09-2029/07)

    2. Huajun Bian (边华俊,2023/09-2028/07)

    3. Hanqian Fang (方涵芊,2022/09-2027/07)

    4. Xiuyun Li (李秀云,2021/09-2026/07, joint PhD student with Manuel Kauers)

    5. Yisen Wang (王艺森,2021/09-2026/07, joint PhD student with Christoph Koutschan)

    6. Pingchuan Ma (马平川,2019/09-2024/07, now at Tsinghua University High School)

    7. Lixin Du (杜丽欣,2017/09-2022/07, joint PhD student with Manuel Kauers and now postdoc at INRIA)

    8. Chaochao Zhu (朱超超,2016/09-2021/07, now at West Anhui University)


    1. Candice X.T. Zhang (张旭彤, 2024/07-2026/08)

    2. Yingrui Zhang (张英瑞, 2022/07-2024/08)

    3. Tianlong Yu (虞天龙, 2021/07-2024/05)


    1. Rational-Transcendental Dichotomy Theorems on Power Series with Arithmetic Restrictions. Number Theory Web Seminar, February 27, 2025. [Slides]

    2. Separability Problems in Creative Telescoping. ISSAC2021, Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 20, 2021. [Slides] [Paper]

    3. A Reduction Approach to Creative Telescoping. ISSAC2019 Tutorial Lectures, Beihang University, Beijing, China, 2019. [Slides] [Extended Abstract]

    4. How to generate all possible WZ-pairs algorithmically? Chinese Mathematical Society 2018 Annual Conference, Guiyang, Guizhou, China, 2018. [Slides]

    5. Symbolic Integration: A Brief Introduction. Seminar at the School of Mathematics, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian, China, 2018. [Slides]

    6. D-finite Generating Functions in Enumerative Combinatorics. Chinese Congress on Combinatorics and Graph Theory 2018, Hefei, China, 2018. [Slides]

    7. Rationality Theorems on D-finite Power Series. Seminar at the School of Mathematical Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, 2018. [Slides]

    8. Reduction-based Algorithms for Creative Telescoping. Joint International Meeting of CMS-AMS, Shanghai, China, 2018. [Slides]

    9. D-finite Functions: Algorithmic, Analytic and Arithmetic Aspects. Computer Mathematics 2017, Xiangtan, China, 2017. [Slides]

    10. Power Series with Coefficients from a Finite Set. Lattice walks at the Interface of Algebra, Analysis and Combinatorics (2017), Banff, Canada, 2017. [Slides]

    11. Creative Telescoping: Theory and Algorithms. MITACS Seminar Series/ORCCA Joint Lab Meeting, Western University, Canada, 2016. [Slides]

    Research Notes (unpublished):

    1. A Note on Lipshitz's Lemma 3.
      with Ziming Li, 2011: [PDF].

    2. A Note on Ostrogradsky and Horowitz's Method.
      with Ziming Li, 2010: [PDF].

    3. A Exercise on Real Elementary Functions in the Book "Symbolic Integration I" (second edition) .
      with Ruyong Feng, Ziming Li, Huaifu Wang, 2008: [PDF].


    1. Linear Algebra (2014-2015) at University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
    2. Linear Algebra (2016-2017) at University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
    3. Abstract Algebra II (2019-2020) at Beihang University.
    4. Abstract Algebra II (2021-2021) at Beihang University.

    Seminar and Conferences:

    1. Workshop on the Frontiers in Arithmetic Dynamics (FIAD2024)
    2. Computer Mathematics Seminar
    3. ACA 2022 Special Session: D-finite Functions and Beyond: Algorithms, Combinatorics, and Arithmetic
    4. Workshop on Combinatorics and Symbolic Computation

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