- MMP (VC++) is a Mathematics-Mechanization Platform.
- wsolve is a package for solving system of polynomial equations on Maple.
- GBGC is a package for computing S-Groebner basis on Singular.
- CGS is a package for computing Comprehensive Groebner System on Magma.
- CGS-Maple is a Maple package for computing Comprehensive Groebner System for polynomial ideals and modules.
- Hermite-Popov is a Maple package for computing parametric Hermite and Popov form for a parametric polynomial matrix.
- CGS&CGB is a package for computing Comprehensive Groebner Systems and Comprehensive Groebner Bases on Singular.
- Framework for GVW Implementation and Examples used in the paper "A framework for implementing the GVW algorithm efficiently".
- MatrixFactorization is a package for factorizing matrix with polynomial entries.
- EHC is a package for computing extended Hensel construction of multivariable polynomials.
- GVW on local ring is a package for computing standard basis by extending GVW algorithm for local ring.
- parametric GCD is a package for computing GCD of multivariate polynomials with parameters.
- RR is a package for computing rational representation of high-dimensional polynomial system on Maple.
- poly-matrix-equation is a package for solving multivariate polynomial matrix Diophantine equationsn on Maple.
- MLP-Factorization is a maple package for computing the minor left prime factorization for multivariate polynomial matrices.
- FLP-Factorization is a maple package for computing the factor left prime factorization for multivariate polynomial matrices.
- ParametricExtendedGCD is a maple package for computing the extended GCD system of parametric univariate polynomials.
- ParametricSmithNormalForm is a maple package for computing the Smith form of a parametric polynomial matrix.
- NewMatrixFactorization is a maple package for factorizing matrix with polynomial entries.
- Equivalence of bivariate polynomial matrices has two maple packages for computing the Smith normal form of bivariate polynomial matrix.
- PRUR is a package for computing rational representation of zero-dimensional polynomial system with parameters on Singular.
- PGRCD is a package for computing the parametric greatest right common divisor for Ore polynomials on Singular.
- GVW standard basis is a package on Singular for computing standard basis by extending GVW algorithm to any semigroup order.
- Syzygy of ZLP Matrices is a maple package for computing syzygy modules of zero prime matrices.