Yanbin Pan


Research Interests:

  • Cryptanalysis

  • Lattice-based cryptography

  • Computational number theory

  • Algorithms and computational complexity


  • 2020 July: Lattice-Based Cryptography. Summer School Courses on Cryptology and Code, China.

  • 2017 Spring: Computational Number Theory. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

  • 2015 Spring: Randomized Algorithm. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

  • 2013 Fall: Lattice and Its Applications in Cryptography. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

  • 2012 May: Cryptanalytic Techniques. Summer School Course, Universiti Putra Malaysia.



  • Cloud-Assisted LLL: A Secure and Efficient Outsourcing Algorithm for Approximate Shortest Vector Problem.
    Xiulan Li, Yanbin Pan, Chengliang Tian.
    To appear in Proc. of ISPEC 2021, 2021.

  • A Lattice Reduction Algorithm Based on Sublattice BKZ.
    Jinzheng Cao, Yanbin Pan, Qingfeng Cheng.
    To appear in Proc. of ProvSec 2021, 2021.

  • A Systematic Approach and Analysis of Key Mismatch Attacks on Lattice-Based NIST Candidate KEMs.
    Yue Qin, Chi Cheng, Xiaohan Zhang, Yanbin Pan, Lei Hu, Jintai Ding.
    To appear in Proc. of Asiacrypt 2021, 2021.

  • When NTT Meets Karatsuba: Preprocess-then-NTT Technique Revisited.
    Yiming Zhu, Zhen Liu, Yanbin Pan.
    In Proc. of ICICS 2021, Part II, LNCS 12919, 249–264, 2021.

  • On the Ideal Shortest Vector Problem over Random Rational Primes.
    Yanbin Pan, Jun Xu, Nick Wadleigh, Qi Cheng.
    In Proc. of Eurocrypt 2021, Part I, LNCS 12696, 559–583, 2021.

  • Lattice Klepto Revisited.
    Zhaomin Yang, Tianyuan Xie, Yanbin Pan.
    In Proc. of ASIA CCS ’20, ACM, pp. 867–873, 2020.

  • It all Started with Compression: Another Look at Reconciliation Mechanism.
    Tianyuan Xie, Yanbin Pan.
    In Proc. of ASIA CCS ’20, ACM, pp. 874–885, 2020.

  • New Results on Modular Inversion Hidden Number Problem and Inversive Congruential Generator.
    Jun Xu, Santanu Sarkar, Lei Hu, Huaxiong Wang, Yanbin Pan.
    In Proc. of Crypto 2019. Springer, LNCS 11692, 297-321, 2019.

  • Breaking HK17 in Practice.
    Haoyu Li, Renzhang Liu, Qutaibah M. Malluhi,Yanbin Pan, Yongge Wang, Tianyuan Xie.
    In Proc. of ISIT 2019, IEEE, 1877–1881, 2019.

  • Computing Hermite Normal Form Faster via Solving System of Linear Equations.
    Renzhang Liu, Yanbin Pan.
    In Proc. of ISSAC 2019, ACM, 283–290, 2019.

  • Cryptanalysis of an NTRU-based Proxy Encryption Scheme from ASIACCS’15.
    Zhen Liu, Yanbin Pan, Zhenfei Zhang.
    In Proc. of PQCrypto 2019, Springer, LNCS vol. 11505, 153 - 166, 2019.

  • Breaking the Hardness Assumption and IND-CPA Security of HQC Submitted to NIST PQC Project.
    Zhen Liu, Yanbin Pan, Tianyuan Xie.
    In Proc. of CANS 2018, Springer, LNCS 11124, pp. 344 - 356, 2018.

  • A Generalized Attack on Some Variants of the RSA Cryptosystem.
    Abderrahmane Nitaj, Yanbin Pan, Joseph Tonien.
    In Proc. of SAC 2018, Springer, LNCS 11349, 421 - 433, 2018.

  • Cryptanalysis of the Randomized Version of a Lattice-Based Signature Scheme from PKC’08.
    Haoyu Li, Renzhang Liu, Abderrahmane Nitaj, Yanbin Pan.
    In Proc. of ACISP 2018, Springer, LNCS 10946, 455 - 466, 2018.

  • The Search Successive Minima Problem is Equivalent to Its Optimization Version.
    Haoyu Li, Yanbin Pan.
    In Proc. of WISA 2017. Springer, LNCS, vol. 10763, pp. 39 - 50, 2017.

  • Cryptanalysis of the Structure-Preserving Signature Scheme on Equivalence Classes from Asiacrypt 2014.
    Yanbin Pan.
    In Proc. of CT-RSA 2016. Springer, LNCS vol. 9610, pp. 291 - 304, 2016.

  • Two Types of Special Bases for Integral Lattices.
    Renzhang Liu, Yanbin Pan.
    In Proc. of WISA 2015. Springer, LNCS vol. 9503, pp. 87 - 95, 2015.

  • Relations Between Minkowski-Reduced Basis and θ-Orthogonal Basis of Lattice.
    Yuyun Chen, Gengran Hu, Renzhang Liu, Yanbin Pan, Shikui Shang.
    In Proc. of ICIG 2015. Springer, LNCS vol. 9219, pp. 169 - 179, 2015.

  • A New Attack against the Selvi-Vivek-Rangan Deterministic Identity Based Signature Scheme from ACISP 2012.
    Yanbin Pan, Yingpu Deng.
    In Proc. of ACISP 2014. Springer, LNCS vol. 8544, pp. 148 - 161, 2014.

  • Solving Random Subset Sum Problem by lp-norm SVP Oracle.
    Gengran Hu, Yanbin Pan, Feng Zhang.
    In Proc. of PKC 2014, Springer, LNCS vol. 8383, pp. 399 - 410, 2014.

  • Improvements on Reductions among Different Variants of SVP and CVP.
    Gengran Hu, Yanbin Pan.
    In Proc. of WISA 2013. Springer, LNCS vol. 8267, pp. 39 - 51, 2013.

  • A Three-Level Sieve Algorithm for the Shortest Vector Problem.
    Feng Zhang, Yanbin Pan, Gengran Hu.
    In Proc. of SAC 2013. Springer, LNCS vol. 8282, pp. 29 - 47, 2013.

  • An Algebraic Broadcast Attack against NTRU.
    Jintai Ding, Yanbin Pan, Yingpu Deng.
    In Proc. of ACISP 2012, Springer, LNCS vol.7372, pp. 124-137, 2012.

  • An Efficient Broadcast Attack against NTRU.
    Jianwei Li, Yanbin Pan, Mingjie Liu, Guizhen Zhu.
    In Proc. of ASIACCS 2012, ACM New York, NY, USA, pp. 22 - 23, 9 pages in full version, 2012.

  • A New Lattice-Based Public-Key Cryptosystem Mixed with a Knapsack.
    Yanbin Pan, Yingpu Deng, Yupeng Jiang, Ziran Tu.
    In Proc. of CANS 2011, Springer, LNCS vol.7092, pp. 126 - 137, 2011.

  • A General NTRU-Like Framework for Constructing Lattice-Based Public-Key Cryptosystems.
    Yanbin Pan, Yingpu Deng.
    In Proc. of WISA 2011, Springer, LNCS vol. 7115, pp. 109 - 120, 2011.

Jounal Publications

  • An Improved Outsourcing Algorithm to Solve Quadratic Congruence Equations in Internet of Things.
    Xiulan Li, Jingguo Bi, Chengliang Tian, Hanlin Zhang, Jia Yu, Yanbin Pan.
    To appear in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021.

  • On Some Computational Problems in Local Fields.
    Yingpu Deng, Lixia Luo, Yanbin Pan, Guanju Xiao.
    To appear in Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2021.

  • Ciphertext-Only Attacks against Compact-LWE Submitted to NIST PQC Project.
    Haoyu Li, Renzhang Liu, Zhen Liu, Yanbin Pan, Tianyuan Xie.
    To appear in Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2021.

  • Breaking the Hardness Assumption and IND-CPA Security of HQC Submitted to NIST PQC Project.
    Zhen Liu, Yanbin Pan, Tianyuan Xie.
    IET Information Security, 2020, Vol. 14 Iss. 3, pp. 313-320.

  • FatSeal: An Efficient Lattice-based Signature Algorithm.
    Tianyuan Xie, Haoyu Li, Yiming Zhu, Yanbin Pan, Zhen Liu, Zhaomin Yang.
    Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2020, Vol. 42 No. 2, pp. 333-340.

  • On Random Nonsingular Hermite Normal Form.
    Gengran Hu, Yanbin Pan, Renzhang Liu, Yuyun Chen.
    Journal of Number Theory, 164, 66 - 86, 2016.

  • Solving Low-Density Multiple Subset Sum Problems with SVP Oracle.
    Yanbin Pan, Feng Zhang.
    Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 29(1), 228 - 242, 2016.

  • The Sum of Binomial Coefficients and Integer Factorization.
    Yingpu Deng, Yanbin Pan.
    Integer: Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory 16(A42), 1- 18.

  • Covering Radius of Two-dimensional Lattices.
    Yupeng Jiang, Yingpu Deng, Yanbin Pan.
    Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences, 21(07), 908 - 914, 2012.

  • A Ciphertext-Only Attack Against the Cai-Cusick Lattice-Based Public-Key Cryptosystem.
    Yanbin Pan, Yingpu Deng.
    IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 57(3), pp. 1780 –1785, March, 2011.



  • Previous: Renzhang Liu (Ph.D, 2011-2016), Haoyu Li (Ph.D, 2014-2019), Tianyuan Xie (Ph.D, 2015-2020), Zhen Liu (Ph.D, 2016-2021), Zhaomin Yang (MS, 2017-2020).

  • Current: Yiming Zhu (Ph.D student, 2017-), Xiulan Li (MS student,2019-), Jingting Xu (MS student, 2020-), Yihang Cheng (MS student, 2020-), Chengrui Dang (MS student, 2021-), Yingchu Lv (MS student, 2021-).