Fast Determination and Computation of Self-Intersections for B-Spline Surfaces.
K. Li, X. Jia & F. Chen.
submitted to ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2025.
A Bayesian Approach Toward Robust Multidimensional Ellipsoid-Specific Fitting.
M. Zhao, X. Jia, L. Ma, Y. Shi, J. Jiang, Q. Li, D. Yan, T. Huang.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 46(12), 2024.
Topology Guaranteed B-Spline Surface-Surface Intersection.
J. Yang, X. Jia & D. Yan.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Siggraph Asia) , Vol. 42, 2023.
Efficient Computation of Moving Planes for Rational Parametric Surfaces with Base Points Using Dixon Resultants.
K. Li, X. Jia & F. Chen.
Computer Aided Geometric Design, 2023.
Structure-Aware Surface Reconstruction via Primitive Assembly.
J. Jiang, M. Zhao, S. Xin, Y. Yang, H. Wang, X. Jia & D.-M. Yan.
ICCV, 2023.
Coherent chord computation and cross ratio for accurate ellipse detection.
M. Zhao, X. Jia, L. Ma, L. Hu & D.-M. Yan.
Pattern Recognition, Vol. 146, 2024.
Singularity Computation for Rational Parametric Surfaces Using Moving Planes.
X. Jia, F. Chen and S. Yao.
ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 42(1), article 12, 1-14, 2022.
Topological Classification and Determination of Non-Degenerate Intersections of Two Dupin Cyclides.
S. Yao and X. Jia.
Computer Aided Design, Vol. 153, 2022.
Computing the Intersection of Two Rational Surfaces Using Matrix Representations.
X. Jia, K. Li and J. Cheng.
Computer Aided Design (Special Issue of ACM SPM), Vol. 150, 2022.
LARNet: Lie Algebra Residual Network for Face Recognition.
X. Yang, X. Jia, D. Gong, D.-M. Yan, Z. Li and W. Liu.
Proceedings of 38th International Conference on Machine Learning,
PMLR Vol. 139:11738-11750, 2021.
Robust Ellipse Fitting Using Hierarchical Gaussian Mixture Models.
M. Zhao, X. Jia, L. Fan, Y. Liang, D.-M. Yan.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. Vol. 30, 3828-3843, 2021.

An Occlusion-Resistant Circle Detector Using Inscribed Triangles.
M. Zhao, X. Jia, and D.-M. Yan.
Pattern Recognition. Vol. 109, January 2021.
Combining Convex Hull and Directed Graph for Fast and Accurate Ellipse Detection.
Z. Shen, M. Zhao, X. Jia, Y. Liang, L. Fan, D.-M. Yan.
Graphical Models, Vol. 116, July 2021.

Complete Classifications and Efficient Determination of Arrangements Formed by Two Ellipsoids. [PDF]
X. Jia, C. Tu, B. Mourrain and W. Wang.
ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 39, article 27, 2020.

Quaternion Rational Surfaces.
J. Hoffman, X. Jia and H. Wang.
Journal of Commutative Algebra, Vol 12(2), 237-261, 2020. |
Simple Primitive Recognition via Hierarchical Face Clustering.
X. Yang and X. Jia.
Computational Visual Media. Vol. 6(4), 431-443, 2020.

6D Pose Estimation with A Two-stream Net.
X. Yang and X. Jia.
ACM Siggraph Posters, 2020.

Enumerating the Morphology of Non-Degenerate Darboux Cyclides.
M. Zhao, X. Jia, C. Tu, B. Mourrain and W. Wang.
Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol. 75, 2019. |

µ-Bases for Rational Canal Surfaces.
S. Yao and X. Jia.
Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol. 69, 11-26, 2019. |
A Package to Compute Implicit Equations for the Rational Curves and Surfaces.
S. Yao, Y. Feng, X. Jia and L. Shen.
ACM Communications in Computer Algebra, Vol. 53(2), 33-36, 2019.

Multi-Strip Smooth Developable Surfaces From Sparse Design Curves.
P. Bo, Y. Zheng, X. Jia and C. Zhang.
Computer Aided Design, Vol. 114, 1-12, 2019. |

Automatic and High-Quality Surface Mesh Generation for CAD Models.
J. Guo, F. Ding, X. Jia and D.-M. Yan.
Computer Aided Design, Vol. 109, 49-59, 2019. |

Survey on the Theory and Applications of µ-Bases for Rational Curves and Surfaces.
X. Jia, X. Shi and F. Chen.
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 329, 2-23, 2018.

Detection of the Variations of the Intersection Curve of Two Moving
Quadrics in 3-Dimensional Projective Space.
X. Jia, W. Wang,Y.-K. Choi, B. Mourrain and C. Tu.
of Symbolic Computation, Vol. 73, 221-243, 2016.

Maximal Possion-Disk Sampling and Remeshing on Surfaces.
J. Guo, D.-M. Yan, X. Jia and X. Zhang.
& Graphics, Vol. 46, 72-79, 2015.
of Moving Planes and Moving Spheres Following Dupin Cyclides.
X. Jia.
Computer Aided Geometric Design,
Vol. 31, 168-181, 2014.

Remeshing with Farthest Point Optimization.
D.-M. Yan, J. Guo, X. Jia, X. Zhang and P. Wonka.
Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 33(5),
167-176, 2014 .

Collision Detection for Composite Quadric Models.
Y.-K. Choi, W. Wang, B. Mourrain,
C. Tu, X. Jia and F. Sun.
Graphical Models, Vol. 76(5),
566-579, 2014.

Perspective Projections in 3-Dimensions Using Rotors In the Homogeneous
and Conformal Models of Clifford Algebra.
R. Goldman, Steve Mann and X. Jia.
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras,
Vol. 24, 465-491, 2014.

a Bihomogeneous Resultant to Find the Singularities of Rational Space
X. Shi, X. Jia, R. Goldman
and B. Hassett.
of Symbolic Computation, Vol. 53, 1-25, 2013.

Classification of Non-Degenerate Intersections of Two Ring Tori.
X. Jia, C. Tu and W. Wang.
Computer Aided Geometric Design,
Vol. 30, 181-198, 2013.

Smith Normal Forms and µ-Bases to Compute All the Singularities of Rational Planar Curves.
X. Jia and R. Goldman.
Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol. 29, 296-314, 2012.

Perspective Projections as Rotors in the Homogeneous Model of the
Clifford Algebra for 3-Dimensional Euclidean Space.
X. Jia and R. Goldman.
Conference of Applied Geometric Algebras in Computer Science and Engineering 2012, France.

Algebraic Approach to Continuous Collision Detection for Ellipsoids.
X. Jia, Y.-K. Choi, B. Mourrain and W.
Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol. 28, 164-176,

Generators for the Rees Algebra of Rational Space Curves of Type
W. Hoffman, H. Wang, X. Jia and
R. Goldman.
European Journal
of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 3(4), 602-632,

Generators of Rational Space Curves.
X. Jia, H. Wang and
R. Goldman.
Journal of Symbolic Computation, Vol. 49(4),
414-433, 2010.

and Singularities of Rational Planar Curves.
X. Jia and R. Goldman.
Computer Aided Geometric Design, 26(9), 970-988, 2009.

Moving Planes and Singularities of Rational Space Curves.
H. Wang, X. Jia and R.
Computer Aided Geometric Design,
Vol.26(3), 300-316, 2009.

Self-intersection Curves of Rational Ruled Surfaces.
X. Jia, F. Chen and J.
Computer Aided Geometric Design,
Vol. 26(3), 287-299, 2009.
- W.
Hoffman, X. Jia, H. Wang. Commutative Algebra: An Introduction.
Learning & Information, Dulles, Virginia, Boston, Massachusetts, New Delhi. (ISBN: 978-1-944534-60-8)
Hoffman, X. Jia, H. Wang. Essentials of Commutative Algebra.
Overseas Press India Private Limited, 2016. (ISBN(13): 978-93-83803-21-7)