Research Interests and Activities
Research Interests
Research Projects
Basic Research Project,"Mathematical theory of Artificial Intelligence", 2018-, Leading Scientist.
National Key Basic Research Project of China (973 Project), Mathematics Mechanization and Digital Design and Manufacturing, 2011-2015.
National Key Basic Research Project of China (973 Project), "Methods of
Mathematics Mechanization and Applications in Information
Technology", 2004-2009, Leading Scientist.
- National Key Basic Research Project of China (973 Project), "Mathematics
Mechanization and Platform of Automated Reasoning", 1999-2003,
Leading Scientist.
- "Automated Geometry Reasoning and Methods of Diagram Generation",
NSF, CCR-0201253, 2000-2003, CO-PI.
- Outstanding Young Scientist Award, The HongKang QiuShi Foundation,
- Outstanding Young Investigator Award, National Natural Science
Foundation of China, 1998-2001.
Journals Involved
Journal of System Science and Complexity, Chief Editor.
Science China: Mathematics, Associate Editor
Journal of Symbolic Computation, member of the editorial board.
Journal of CAD and CG, member of the editorial board.
- Journal of Image and Graphics, member of the editorial board.
- Applied Mathematics, A Journal of Chinese Universities, member of the editorial board.
Book Series Involved
Conferences Involved
Asian Symposium on Computer Mathematics (ASCM)
PC Co-chair, ASCM 2000,
PC Member, ASCM 1998, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009
International Workshop on Mathematics Mechanization (IWMM)
The Chinese Conference on Computer Mathematics
PC Chair, 2007; Conference Chair, 2008.
International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC),
PC Member, ISSAC2003, ISSAC2008
Conference Co-Chair, ISSAC2005
Member of the ISSAC Steering Committee, 2006-2009; Chair 2008-2009
ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC)
Geometric Computing and Reasoning (GCR), Technical Track of SAC2006
Co-chair, GCR06; Co-chair, GCR07; Co-chair, GCR08; Co-chair, GCR09.
Automated Deduction in Geometry (ADG)
PC Co-chair, ADG'1998,
PC Member, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010
Algebraic Geometry and Geometric Modeling
Organizer, 2009
Geometric Modeling and Processing (GMP)
PC Member, GMP2002, GMP2004, GMP2006, GMP2010
International Conference on Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics
PC Member, CADCG2005, CADCG2007, CADCG2009
Geometric Design and Computing (GDC)
PC Member, GDC2005, GDC2007, GDC2009
International Conference on Computers, Communications and Control (ICCCC)
PC Member, 2008
International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS)
PC Member, 2007
International Congress of Mathematical Software (ICMS)
PC Co-chair, ICMS'2002,
PC Member, ICMS'06, ICMS'10
IASTED International Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging (CGIM),
PC Member: CGIM'04, CGIM'05, CGIM'07.
Korea-China Joint Conference on Geometric and Visual Computing
PC Member, KCJC 2005, KCJC 2006
The Mathematics of Surfaces
PC Member, 2007
Korea-China Joint Conference on Geometric and Visual Computing
PC Member, KCJC 2005, KCJC 2006
Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (PG)
PC Member, PG02, PG03
International Conference on Automated Deduction 2002 (CADE)
PC Member, CADE'02
Automated Reasoning in Geometry
Geometric Constraint Solving and Parametric CAD
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