Research Group on CAM and CNC at KLMM


    The research group at KLMM on CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) and CNC (Computed Numerically Controlled) machine was established around 2009 with the support of a research grant from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The main focus of the group is to develop efficient algorithms and mathematical theories for some of the key problems in CAM and CNC manufacturing. We try to bring more mathematical rigor into the field of CAM CNC manufacturing and at the same time to enhance the practical performance of CAM software and CNC controllers. The research group has been working together with Shenyang Institute of Computing Technology within CAS where the BlueSky CNC controller system was developed. The research of the group also covers closely related areas such as robotics, computer aided-geometric design (CAGD), computer-aided design (CAD), and computed-aided engineering (CAE).


    Research Topics


    Faculty positions, Postdoctoral Fellowships, and Graduate Students


  1. J. Guo , M. Zhao, and L. Zhang. Time-Bound Optimal Planning in CNC Machine Considering Machining Safety, IEEE Transactions On Automation Science And Engineering, doi: 10.1109/TASE.2023.3324849, 2023.
  2. H.Y. Ma, C.M. Yuan, L.Y. Shen, and X.S. Gao. Optimal feedrate planning on a five-axis parametric tool path with global geometric and kinematic constraints. Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, 2022, 9, 2355-2374.
  3. H. Ma, C.M. Yuan, L.Y. Shen, Y.F. Feng, A theoretically complete surface segmentation method for CNC subtractive fabrication, CSIAM Transactions on Applied Mathematics, 4(2): 325-344, 2023.
  4. H.Y. Ma, C.M. Yuan, L.Y. Shen, Tool Path Planning with Confined Scallop Height Error Using Optimal Connected Fermat Spirals, Communications in Mathematics and Statistics, 2022.
  5. H. Ma, C.M. Yuan, L.Y. Shen, F. Lin, L. Zhang, Hybrid Line-Arc Toolpath Machining with Corner Transition and Grouping Lookahead Scheme, Computer-Aided Design & Applications, 19(4), 854-867, 2022.
  6. C.M. Yuan, Z. Mi, X. Jia, F. Lin, L.Y. Shen, Tool Orientation Optimization and Path Planning for 5-Axis Machining,Journal of Systems Science and Complexity,34 (1): 83-106, 2021.
  7. F. Lin, L.Y. Shen, C.M. Yuan, Z. Mi, Certified space curve fitting and trajectory planning for CNC machining with cubic B-splines, Computer-Aided Design, 106: 13-29, 2019.
  8. K. Erkorkmaz, Q.G. Chen, M.Y. Zhao, X. Beudaert, X.S. Gao. Linear programming and windowing based feedrate optimization for spline toolpaths, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology,
  9. Q. Zhang, X.S. Gao, H.B. Li, M.Y. Zhao. Minimum time corner transition algorithm with confined feedrate and axial acceleration for nc machining along linear tool path, Int J Adv Manuf Techno, 89(1), 941-956, 2017
  10. M.Y. Zhao and X.S. Gao. An Efficient Stochastic Approach for Robust Time-Optimal Trajectory Planning of Robotic Manipulators Under Limited Actuation, accepted by Robotica, 2017.
  11. Q. Zhang, S. Li, J.X. Guo, X.S. Gao. Time-optimal path tracking for robots under dynamics constraints based on convex optimization. Robotica, 34(9), 2116–2139, 2016.
  12. Z. Yang, L.Y. Shen, C.M. Yuan, X.S. Gao. Curve fitting and optimal interpolation for CNC machining under confined error using quadratic B-splines, Computer-Aided Design, 66, 62-72, 2015.
  13. J.X. Guo, Q. Zhang, X.S. Gao, H. Li. Time Optimal Feedrate Generation with Confined Tracking Error based on Linear Programming, J Syst Sci Complex, 28, 80-95, 2015.
  14. C. Min and X.S. Gao. Iso-scallop Tool-path Generation of 5-axis CNC Machining for Cyclide Patches. Proc. of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 229(7), 1144-1156, 2015.
  15. Q. Zhang, S. Li, J.X. Guo, X.S. Gao. Tractable Algorithm for Robust Time-Optimal Trajectory Planning of Robotic Manipulators under Confined Torque, International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control, 10(1), 123-135, 2015.
  16. K. Zhang, A. Yuen, Y. Altintas. Pre-compensation of contour errors in five-axis CNC machine tools. International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 74(2013), 1-11.
  17. A. Yuen, K. Zhang, Y. Altintas. Smooth trajectory generation for five-axis machine tools. International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 71(2013), 11–19.
  18. Q. Zhang, S. Li, X.S. Gao. Practical smooth minimum time trajectory planning for path following robotic manipulators. Proc. of American Control Conference, June 17, 17-19, Washington DC, 2013.
  19. J.X. Guo, K. Zhang, Q. Zhang, X.S. Gao. Efficient Time Optimal Feedrate Planning under Dynamic Constraints for High-order CNC Servo System. Computer-Aided Design, 45(12), 1538-1546, 2013.
  20. J.X. Guo, Q. Zhang, X.S. Gao, H. Li. Time Optimal Feedrate Generation with Confined Tracking Error based on Linear Programming. Accepted by J Syst Sci Complex, April 2013.
  21. J.X. Guo, Q. Zhang, X.S. Gao. Tracking Error Reduction in CNC Machining by Reshaping the Kinematic Trajectory. J Syst Sci Complex, 26(5), 800-817,2013.
  22. W. Fan, X.S. Gao, K. Zhang Time-Optimal Interpolation for Five-axis CNC Machining along Parametric Tool Path based on Linear Programming. {\em Int J Adv Manuf Technol}, 69(5), 1373-1388, 2013.
  23. K. Zhang, A. Yuen, Y. Altintas. Pre-compensation of contour errors in Five-Axis CNC machine tools. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture. Available online 20 July 2013.
  24. A. Yuen, K. Zhang, Y. Altintas. Smooth trajectory generation for five-axis machine tools. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture. 71, 11-19, 2013.
  25. K. Zhang, C.M. Yuan, X.S. Gao. Efficient algorithm for time-optimal feedrate planning and smoothing with confined chord error and acceleration. Int J Adv Manuf Technol. 66(9), 1685-1697, 2013.
  26. K. Zhang, J. Guo, X.S. Gao. Cubic Spline Trajectory Generation with Axis Jerk and Tracking Error Constraints. Int J Precis Eng Manuf, 14(7), 1141-1146, 2013.
  27. H. Li, X.S. Gao, L. Zhang, R. Sun. Discrete Interpolation of G01 Codes in 2D Machining under Bounded Accelerations. Mathematics in Computer Science, 6(3), 327-344, 2012.
  28. W. Fan, X.S. Gao, W. Yan, C.M. Yuan. Interpolation of parametric CNC machining path under confined jounce., Int J Adv Manuf Technol. 62, 719-739, 2012.
  29. K. Zhang, X.S. Gao, H. Li, C.M. Yuan. A Greedy Algorithm for Feed-rate Planning of CNC Machines along Curved Tool Paths with Confined Jerk for Each Axis. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 28 (2012) 472-483.
  30. C.M. Yuan, K. Zhang, W. Fan, X.S. Gao. Time-Optimal Interpolation for CNC Machining along Curved Tool Pathes with Confined Chord Error. MM-Research Preprints, Vol. 30, 57-89, May 2011.
  31. L.X. Zhang, R.Y. Sun, X.S. Gao, H. Li. High speed interpolation for micro-line trajectory and adaptive real-time lookahead in CNC machining. Science China, Information Sciences, 54(6), 1481-1495, 2011.
  32. M. Zhang, W. Yan, C.M. Yuan, D. Wang, X.S. Gao. Curve fitting and time-optimal interpolation on CNC machines, Science China, Information Sciences, 54(6), 1481-1495, 2011.


    CNC Models