SDPTools:=module() description "Tools for solving SDP in high presicion"; export SqrtMatrix, SolveSDP, BigM; local RootBisection, PotentialFunction, Solution_of_Directions, Solve_L, Solve_U, LDL_Decomposition, Expresstion_of_PlaneSearch, Feasible_Rectangle, Feasible_Rectangle2, StepsLength_PlaneSearch; option package; #============================================================ # Discription: # For a given semidefinite positive matrix M, the function # return the square root of M. # Input: # M - a given semidefinite positive matrix # Output: # - the square root of M #============================================================ SqrtMatrix:=proc(M::Matrix) local i,j,T_,Z_; (T_, Z_) := SchurForm(M, output=['T', 'Z']); for i from 1 to RowDimension(T_) do if T_[i,i]<0 then error("Invalid input, the input matrix is not semipositive"); else T_[i,i]:=sqrt(T_[i,i]); for j from i+1 to ColumnDimension(T_) do T_[i,j]:=0; od; fi; od; return Z_.T_.Transpose(Z_); end proc: #=========================================================================================================== # Discreption: # Return the value of potential function at an iteration point and the gap in primal-dual problem # Inputs: # x, Z - an iteration point # F0 - the matice F0 in the primal problem # L - the matrces F1..Fm in the primal problem # v - the parameter that sets the ralative weight of the term involving duality gap and the term which # is the deviation from centrality # Outputs: # f - the value of potential function at an iteration point # gap - the gap in primal-dual problem #========================================================================================================== PotentialFunction:=proc(x::list,Z::Matrix,F0::Matrix,L::list,v) local i,j,F,f,n,gap; F:=F0; n:=ColumnDimension(F0); F:=add(x[i]*L[i],i=1..nops(x))+F; gap:=0; for i from 1 to n do for j from 1 to n do gap:=gap+F[i,j]*Z[j,i]; end do; end do; f:=(n+v*sqrt(n))*log(gap)-log(Determinant(F))-log(Determinant(Z))-n*log(n); return gap; end proc: #======================================================= # Discription: # To get the solution of the suitable direction # dx and dZ of the objective function(57), P31 # Inputs: # S - A semidefinite n*n matrix # D - A symmetric n*n matrix # L - A list of n*n matrice # Outputs: # dX - the suitable direction dX # dZ - the suitable dual feasible direction dZ #====================================================== =============================== ###################################################################################### Solution_of_Directions:=proc(S,D,L::list) local i,j,p,q,A,AA,b,bb,m,n,dX,dZ,Inv_S,M,N,LL,d; #print(S); #print(D); m:=nops(L); #print(m); n := ColumnDimension(D); # A := Matrix(m); A:=Matrix(m); b := Vector(m); # b:=[]; # M:=[seq(Matrix(n),i=1..m)]; printf("begin to compute inverse \n"); Inv_S := MatrixInverse(S); printf("begin to compute M \n"); for i from 1 to m do M[i]:=Inv_S.L[i]; end do; printf("End to compute M \n"); N:=Inv_S.D; printf("begin to compute A \n"); for i from 1 to m do printf("begin %d row",i); for j from 1 to i do for p from 1 to n do for q from 1 to n do A[i,j]:=A[i,j]+M[i][q,p]*M[j][p,q]; end do; end do; end do; for p from 1 to n do for q from 1 to n do b[i]:=b[i]-M[i][q,p]*N[p,q]; end do; end do; end do; for i from 1 to m do for j from i+1 to m do A[i,j]:=A[j,i]; end do; end do; #return A,b; printf("end to compute A"); LL,d:=LDL_Decomposition(A); dX:=Solve_L(LL,b); for i from 1 to Dimension(dX) do dX[i]:=dX[i]/d[i]; end do; dX:=Solve_U(Transpose(LL),dX); dZ :=-1*D; for i from 1 to m do dZ:=dZ-dX[i]*L[i]; end do; dZ:=evalf(Inv_S.dZ.Inv_S); return dX,dZ; end proc: ############################################################################### # Discription: # solve eqs A.x=b, where A=LU ############################################################################### Solve_L:=proc(L,b::Vector) local i,j,k,m,n,y; m,n:=Dimension(L); y:=b; for k from 1 to n do if L[k,k]=0 then if y[k]<>0 then error("this system has no solution"); end if; else y[k]:=y[k]/L[k,k]; y[k+1..n]:=y[k+1..n]-y[k]*L[k+1..n,k]; end if; end do; return y; end proc: ############################################################################# # ############################################################################# Solve_U:=proc(U,b::Vector) local k,m,n,x; m,n:=Dimension(U); if m<>n then error("input matrix must be a squre matrix"); end if; x:=b; for k from n by -1 to 1 do if U[k,k]=0 then if x[k]<>0 then error("this system has no sultion"); end if; else x[k]:=x[k]/U[k,k]; x[1..k-1]:=x[1..k-1]-x[k]*U[1..k-1,k]; end if; end do; return x; end proc: ########################################################################## # Discription: # Given a semidefinite positive matrix A, return it's LDL' decomposition # Author: Feng Guo Date: 1/9/2009 ########################################################################## LDL_Decomposition:=proc(A) local i,j,k,m,n,L,d; m,n:=Dimension(A); if m<>n then error("the input matrix must be a square matrix"); end if; L:=Matrix(n); d:=Vector(n); for k from 1 to n do # assume we have known the k-1 column of L,then d[k]:=A[k,k]; # compute the k column. for i from 1 to k-1 do d[k]:=d[k]-d[i]*L[k,i]^2; end do; if d[k]<>0 then L[k,k]:=1; for i from k+1 to n do L[i,k]:=A[i,k]; for j from 1 to k-1 do L[i,k]:=L[i,k]-d[j]*L[i,j]*L[k,j]; end do; L[i,k]:=L[i,k]/d[k]; end do; end if; end do; return L,d; end proc: #====================================================================================== # Discription: # Return the objective function for plane search and the feasible rectangle of p,q # Inputs: # X - a given strictly feasible point # Z - a given strictly dual feasible point # c,F0,L - the primal SDP problem data # dX - a given suitable direction # dZ - a given suitable dual feasible direction # Outputs: # f - the objective function for plane search # rect_pq - the feasible rectangle of p,q #====================================================================================== Expresstion_of_PlaneSearch:=proc(X,Z,F0,c,L::list,dX,dZ,v) local i,j,m,n,c1,c2,F,Tr_FZ,dF,L1,L2,f,h,rect_pq,M_L,Inv_F,Inv_Z,p,q,vars,s; F:=F0; dF:=Matrix(ColumnDimension(Z)); m := nops(c); for i from 1 to m do F := F+X[i]*L[i]; dF := dF+dX[i]*L[i]; end do; F := evalf(F); Tr_FZ:=0; for i from 1 to ColumnDimension(F) do for j from 1 to ColumnDimension(F) do Tr_FZ:=Tr_FZ+F[i,j]*Z[j,i]; end do; end do; c1 := Vector(c).Vector(dX)/Tr_FZ; s:={}; for i from 1 to ColumnDimension(F0) do for j from 1 to ColumnDimension(F0) do if F0[i,j]<>0 then s:=s union {[i,j]}; end if; end do; end do; c2:=0; for i from 1 to nops(s) do c2:=c2+F0[s[i][1],s[i][2]]*dZ[s[i][2],s[i][1]]; end do; c2 := c2/Tr_FZ; printf("begin to compute the Eigenvalues \n"); printf("begin to compute M_L \n"); Inv_F:=MatrixInverse(F); M_L :=evalf(Inv_F.dF); printf("end to compute M_L and begin to compute the Eigenvalues\n"); L1 := Eigenvalues(M_L,output='list'); # elements are complex because of machine erro L1:=[seq(Re(L1[i]),i=1..nops(L1))]; # get real part Inv_Z:=MatrixInverse(Z); L2 := Eigenvalues(evalf(Inv_Z.dZ),output='list'); # elements are complex because of machine erro L2:=[seq(Re(L2[i]),i=1..nops(L2))]; # get real part printf("end to compute the Eigenvalues \n"); n := nops(L1); f := (n+v*sqrt(n))*log(1+c1*p+c2*q); for i from 1 to n do f := f-log(1+p*L1[i])-log(1+q*L2[i]); end do; vars:=[p,q]; return f,c1,c2,L1,L2,vars; end proc: #====================================================================================== # Discription: # Given a list of real values, this function return the minimal positive value and # the maximal negative value # Input: # L - a list of real values # Output: # min - the minimal positive value # max - the maximal negative value #====================================================================================== Feasible_Rectangle2:=proc(L::list) local i,min,max,L_negative,L_positive; L_negative:=[]; L_positive:=[]; for i from 1 to nops(L) do if L[i] < 0 then L_negative := [op(L_negative),L[i]]; else L_positive := [op(L_positive),L[i]]; end if; end do; min := L_negative[1]; max := L_positive[1]; for i from 2 to nops(L_negative) do if min < L_negative[i] then min := L_negative[i]; end if; end do; for i from 2 to nops(L_positive) do if max > L_positive[i] then max := L_positive[i]; end if; end do; return min, max; end proc: #============================================================================== # Discription: # Return the feasible rectangle of p and q # Inputs: # list_u - the list of eigenvalues u_1..u_n # list_v - the list of eigenvalues v_1..v_n # Outputs: # [p_min,p_max] - # [q_min,q_max] _ #============================================================================== Feasible_Rectangle:=proc(list_u,list_v) local i,n,u_min,u_max,v_min,v_max,p_min,p_max,q_min,q_max; if nops(list_u)<>nops(list_v) then error("Invalid input, the dimension of list_u and list_v must be equal"); end if; n:=nops(list_u); u_min:=list_u[1];u_max:=list_u[1]; v_min:=list_v[1];v_max:=list_v[1]; for i from 2 to n do if list_u[i]u_max then u_max:=list_u[i]; end if; if list_v[i]v_max then v_max:=list_v[i]; end if; end do; if u_max>0 then p_min:=-1/u_max; else p_min:=-infty end if; if u_min<0 then p_max:=-1/u_min; else p_max:=infty end if; if v_max>0 then q_min:=-1/v_max; else q_min:=-infty end if; if v_min<0 then q_max:=-1/v_min; else q_max:=infty end if; return [p_min,p_max,q_min,q_max]; end proc: #================================================================================================== # Discription # Return the root of f(x) lying between the interval L using the bisection method # Inputs: # f - the function # L - L[1],L[2] are the left and right end point of the interval respectively # tol - the tolerence # Output: # mid - the root of f(x) within the error tolerence #================================================================================================== RootBisection :=proc(f,L::list,tol) local min,max,mid,r; if nops(L)<>2 then error("invalid input, dimension of L must be two, min,max, the interval"); end if; if L[2]1 then error("Invalid input, f must be a univariable polynomial"); end if; r:=op(indets(f)); min := L[1]; max := L[2]; mid := (min+max)/2; while abs(subs(r=mid,f))>tol do if subs(r=mid, f)*subs(r=min, f)>0 then min := mid; else max := mid; end if; mid := (min+max)/2; end do; return mid; end proc: #=========================================================================================== # Discription: # Return the length of each step in plane search. This function involves computing minimal # value of f. When the hessen matrix at an iteration point is positive definite, we use # the Newton direction, otherwise we use the steepest decent direction. Then we compute the # one dimnension search of r, in x_k+1=x_k+r*dx, to get the update point. # Inputs: # f - the optimization function for computing the length of step # v0 - the initial point, usually we choose [0,0] # tol - the tolerence in scaling the value of f between two steps # max_iter - the maximal number of iterations # c1,c2 - parameters in f which are computed in Expresstion_of_PlaneSearch # L1,L2 - eigenvaluies u1..un, # Outputs: # v[1],v[2] - the length of step respectivly for dX, dZ #=========================================================================================== ###################################################################################################################### StepsLength_PlaneSearch:=proc(f,v0,tol,max_iter,c1,c2,L1,L2,vars) local i,j,Jac_f,Hess_f,A,b,list_var,v,dv,dValue_f,value_f,L,min,s1,s2,s,L_r,rect_r,rr,r,p,q; p:=vars[1]; q:=vars[2]; list_var := vars; # the variables in f s1:=[seq(1+p*L1[i],i=1..nops(L1))]; s2:=[seq(1+q*L2[i],i=1..nops(L2))]; s:=[1+c1*p+c2*q,op(s1),op(s2)]; # get the expressions of p and q in the log function Jac_f := VectorCalculus[Jacobian]([f],list_var); Hess_f := VectorCalculus[Hessian](f,list_var); v := convert(v0,Vector); dValue_f := 1; A :=eval(Hess_f,[p=v[1],q=v[2]]); b :=convert(eval(Jac_f,[p=v[1],q=v[2]]),Vector); value_f := eval(f,[p=v[1],q=v[2]]); for i from 1 to max_iter do # printf("the %d iteration begins",i); # print(`dValue,tol`,dValue_f,tol); if abs(dValue_f) > tol then A := evalf(eval(Hess_f,[p=v[1],q=v[2]])); L := evalf(Eigenvalues(A,output='list')); L := [seq(Re(L[i]),i=1..nops(L))]; # the eigenvalus of Hessen matrix A min:=L[1]; for j from 2 to nops(L) do # get the minimal value of L if L[j]0 then x:=x/x[i]; #return v[i]; break; end if; end do; x:=x/(add(x[i]^2,i=1..d))^(1/2); return x; end proc: #==================================================================== #Description # Given d+1 points which are affine independent, return # the simplex of these d+1 points. We assume that the point # are represented by a list which contains its coordinates #Input # S --- the d+1 points #Output # F_V --- the vertices of the d+1 facets of the simplex # H --- the hyperplane equations of the d+1 facets of the simplex # H[i][1..d] is the norm vector whose 2-norm is 1, # H[i][1..d].x=H[i][d+1] is the hyperplane equation #=================================================================== creatSimplex:=proc(S::set) local i,j,d,x,H,A,b,F_V,F,p; d:=nops(S)-1; for i from 1 to d+1 do if nops(S[i])<>d then error("Invalid inputs"); end if; end do; H:=[]; F_V:=[]; for i from 1 to d+1 do F:=S; p:=S[i];#return s[i]; F:=F minus {p};#return s[i]; x:=creatHyperplane(F); if evalf(Vector([op(p),-1]).x)>0 then x:=-x; end if; H:=[op(H),x]; F_V:=[op(F_V),F]; end do; return F_V,H; end proc: #================================================================== #Description # Given a set of points and a set of facets, this function assigns # the points to each facet's outside set. #Inputs # P --- the unassigned points # F_V,H --- the representation of the facets(its vertices and hyperplanes) #Outputs # S --- each element of S is the outside set of the relevant facet #================================================================== partition:=proc(P,F_V,H) local i,j,d,d_p,S,s; d:=nops(F_V); if d-nops(H)<>0 then error("The inputs are invalid, the number of facets and hyperplanes must be equal"); end if; d_p:=nops(P); S:=[]; for i from 1 to d do s:={}; for j from 1 to d_p do if evalf(Vector[row]([op(P[j]),-1]).H[i])>0 then s:=s union {P[j]}; end if; end do; S:=[op(S),s]; end do; return S; end proc: #======================================================================= #Description # Given a set of points and a hyperplane, return the furthest point to # the plane. We assume the hyperplane is represented by a vector H and the # hyperplane's equation is H[1..Dim-1].x=H[Dim] #inputs # P --- a set of points # H --- the equation of the hyperplane, represented by a vector #Output # P[index] --- the furthest point to the hyperplane #====================================================================== furthestPoint:=proc(P,H) local i,max,ind,d; d:=nops(P); max:=evalf(Vector[row]([op(P[1]),-1]).H); ind:=1; for i from 1 to d do if max < evalf(Vector[row]([op(P[i]),-1]).H) then max:=evalf(Vector[row]([op(P[i]),-1]).H); ind:=i; end if; end do; return P[ind]; end proc: #================================================================================ #Description # Given a point P and a set of facets. The point is in the outside set of one # facets. This function finds the visible set(denoted V) of P, and the boundary # of V. #Inputs # P --- a point # F_V,H --- the representation of the facets(its vertices and hyperplanes) # adjM --- the adjacency matrix of the facets # index --- the P is in the outside set of the index-th facet #Outputs # VS --- the visible set to P # ridges --- the set of horizon ridges #================================================================================ visibleSet:=proc(P,F_V,H,adjM,ind) local i,d,VS,UN,ridges,s,VF,index2,s1,s2; #VF:= visited facet; UN:=unvisited neighbors; VS:= visible set d:=nops(F_V); if d<>nops(H) or d<>RowDimension(adjM) or d<>ColumnDimension(adjM) then error("The inputs are invalid, Dimensions must be equal"); end if; VS:={ind}; UN:={}; ridges:={}; VF:=[seq(1,i=1..d)]; VF:=subsop(ind=0,VF); for i from 1 to d do #initialize the unvisited neighbors if adjM[ind,i]=1 and i<>ind then UN:=UN union {i}; end if; end do; #return UN; for i from 1 to nops(F_V[ind]) do # initialize the horizon ridges s1:=F_V[ind] minus {F_V[ind][i]}; ridges:=ridges union {s1}; end do; #return UN,ridges; while UN<>{} do index2:=UN[1]; VF:=subsop([index2]=0,VF); #mark the visited facet if evalf(Vector[row]([op(P),-1]).H[index2])>0 then #determine visible set VS:=VS union {index2}; s1:=F_V[index2]; s2:={}; # add the new ridges for i from 1 to nops(F_V[index2]) do s2:=s2 union {s1 minus {s1[i]}}; end do; s1:=ridges minus ((ridges union s2) minus s2); ridges:= (ridges union s2) minus s1; for i from 1 to d do if adjM[index2,i]=1 and VF[i]=1 then UN:=UN union {i}; # add new unvisited neighbors end if; end do; end if; UN:=UN minus {index2}; # delete the visited neighbors end do; return VS,ridges; end proc: #============================================================================= #Description # For each ridge R, this function creats a new facet from R and p and links the # new facet to its neighbors #Inputs # P --- the furthest point to be considered # VS --- the visible set to point p # ridges --- the horizon ridges # adjM --- the adjacency matrix # F_V,H --- the representation of the facets #Outputs # adjM_new --- the new adjacency matrix after deleting the visible set # F_V_new,H_new --- the representation of the facets after deleting the VS #============================================================================= creatFacets:=proc(P,VS,ridges,adjM,F_V,H) local i,j,d,m,n,x,s,p,adjM_temp,adjM_new,F_V2,H2,F_V_new,H_new,M; d:=nops(F_V); n:=nops(ridges); m:=nops(VS); if d-nops(H)<>0 or d-RowDimension(adjM)<>0 or d-ColumnDimension(adjM)<>0 then error("Invalid inputs, the nember of the facets must be equal"); end if; if m=0 then error("visible set must have at least one element"); end if; p:=add(F_V[VS[1]][i],i=1..nops(F_V[VS[1]]))/nops(F_V[VS[1]]);# used to determine th direction of norm vector F_V2:=F_V; H2:=H; for i from 1 to n do # creat new facet s:=ridges[i] union {P}; x:=creatHyperplane(s); if evalf(Vector[row]([op(p),-1]).x)>0 then x:=-x; end if; F_V2:=[op(F_V2),s]; H2:=[op(H2),x]; end do; adjM_temp:=Matrix(d+n); #creat new adjacency matrix adjM_temp[1..d,1..d]:=adjM; for i from 1 to d+n do for j from d+1 to d+n do s:=F_V2[j] minus ((F_V2[i] union F_V2[j]) minus F_V2[i]); if nops(s)=nops(F_V2[1])-1 then adjM_temp[i,j]:=1; end if; end do; end do; for i from d+1 to d+n do for j from 1 to d do adjM_temp[i,j]:=adjM_temp[j,i]; end do; end do; F_V_new:=[]; H_new:=[]; adjM_new:=Matrix(d+n-m); M:=Matrix(d+n,d+n-m); #delete the facets in VS from F_V, H and M for i from 1 to VS[1]-1 do F_V_new:=[op(F_V_new),F_V2[i]]; H_new:=[op(H_new),H2[i]]; M[1..d+n,i]:=adjM_temp[1..d+n,i]; end do; for i from 1 to m-1 do for j from VS[i]+1 to VS[i+1]-1 do F_V_new:=[op(F_V_new),F_V2[j]]; H_new:=[op(H_new),H2[j]]; M[1..d+n,j-i]:=adjM_temp[1..d+n,j]; end do; end do; for i from VS[m]+1 to d+n do F_V_new:=[op(F_V_new),F_V2[i]]; H_new:=[op(H_new),H2[i]]; M[1..d+n,i-m]:=adjM_temp[1..d+n,i]; end do; for i from 1 to VS[1]-1 do adjM_new[i,1..d+n-m]:=M[i,1..d+n-m]; end do; for i from 1 to m-1 do for j from VS[i]+1 to VS[i+1]-1 do adjM_new[j-i,1..d+n-m]:=M[j,1..d+n-m]; end do; end do; for i from VS[m]+1 to d+n do adjM_new[i-m,1..d+n-m]:=M[i,1..d+n-m]; end do; return adjM_new,F_V_new,H_new; end proc: #================================================================================================== #Description # In n dimensional vector space, given a set of points which are in general position(so it has n+1 # affine independant points), this function computes the convex hull. So the convex hull is a # simplicial complex. #Inputs # S ---the set of lists which represent the points # indS ---the n+1 independant points #Outputs # F_V ---a list of lists of lists which are the vertices of the facets # H ---a list of normal vectors of the facets having the same order within F_V #================================================================================================== simplicialConvexHull:=proc(S,indS) local i,j,d,F,F_V,H,s,outS,P,VS,ridges,adjM,ind,iter; F_V,H:=creatSimplex(indS); d:=nops(F_V); adjM:=Matrix(d,(i,j)->1); ind:=0; iter:=0; outS:=partition(S,F_V,H); for i from 1 to d do if outS[i]<>{} then ind:=i; break; end if; end do; while ind>0 do iter:=iter+1; P:=furthestPoint(outS[ind],H[ind]); #print(ind,P); VS,ridges:=visibleSet(P,F_V,H,adjM,ind); adjM,F_V,H:=creatFacets(P,VS,ridges,adjM,F_V,H); #print(H);#return adjM,F_V,H; outS:=partition(S,F_V,H); d:=nops(outS); ind:=0; for i from 1 to d do if outS[i]<>{} then ind:=i; break; end if; end do; end do; return F_V,H; end proc: #=============================================================================================== #Description # certify the convex hull #=============================================================================================== certification:=proc(S,H) local i,j,m,n,s,s_; m:=nops(S); n:=nops(H); s:={}; for i from 1 to m do s_:={S[i]}; for j from 1 to n do if evalf(Vector[row]([op(S[i]),-1]).H[j])>0 then s_:=s_ union {j}; end if; end do; if s_<>{S[i]} then s:=s union {s_}; end if; end do; if s={} then #printf("The convex hull is computed right \n"); else printf("The convex hull is computed wrong, and the points which are not in the convex hull is following \n"); return s; end if; end proc: #=========================================================================================================== #Description # Given integer n and k(k<=n), return all the subsets of [1...n], which have k elements. #Inputs # n, k --- described above #Output # S --- a list of lists which are subsets having k elements #=========================================================================================================== ######################################################################################## nChoosek:=proc(n,k) return n!/(k!*(n-k)!); end proc: kth_subset:=proc(min,max,k) local i,j,M,m,n,num,L; n:=max-min+1; if k>n then error("Invalid inputs, k is larger than max-min+1"); end if; m:=nChoosek(n,k); M:=Matrix(m,k); num:=[seq(0,i=1..k)]; for i from 1 to k do m:=nChoosek(n-i,k-i); M[1..m,i]:=min+i-1; num[i]:=m; end do; for i from k by -1 to 1 do for j from min+i to max-(k-i) do m:=nChoosek(max-j,k-i); M[num[i]+1..num[i]+m,i]:=j; M[num[i]+1..num[i]+m,i+1..k]:=M[num[i]-m+1..num[i],i+1..k]; num[i]:=num[i]+m; end do; end do; L:=[]; for i from 1 to RowDimension(M) do L:=[op(L),convert(M[i,1..k],list)]; end do; return L; end proc: #===================================================================================== #Description # Return all the subsets of [1...n], except the empty subset. #===================================================================================== allSubsets:=proc(n) local i,L; L:=[]; for i from 1 to n do L:=[op(L),op(kth_subset(1,n,i))]; end do; return L; end proc: #====================================================================================== #Description # Return k different random numbers from the range 1..n #====================================================================================== getR:=proc(n,k) local i,j,L,roll,flag; if type(n,integer)=false or type(k,integer)=false or n<=0 or k<0 then error("Invalid inputs, n must be a positive integer and k be nonnegative integer"); end if; if k>n then error("Invalid inputs, k must be no larger than n"); end if; L:=[]; roll:=rand(1..n); for i from 1 to k do flag:=0; L:=[op(L),roll()]; while flag=0 do flag:=1; for j from 1 to i-1 do if L[i]=L[j] then L:=subsop(i=roll(),L); flag:=0; break; end if; end do; end do; end do; return L; end proc: #====================================================================================== #Description # Given a set of points in n dimensional vector space, return the affine dimension of # the set and a affine independant points. #Input # S --- a set of lists which represent the points #Outputs # r --- the affine dimension of the set # indS --- a set of r-affinely independant points #====================================================================================== affineDims:=proc(S::set) #detect dimension from high to low using random chosen points local i,j,k,m,n,N,s,r,M,indS,ind,R,s2; m:=nops(S); n:=nops(S[1]); for i from 2 to m do if n<>nops(S[i]) then error("Invalid inputs, all the points must have the same dimension"); end if; end do; s:=[op(S)]; M:=Matrix(n); r:=0; i:=2; j:=1; indS:={s[1]}; while i<=nops(s) do M[j,1..n]:=Vector[row](s[i]-s[1]); if Rank(M)=r+1 then r:=r+1; j:=j+1; indS:=indS union {s[i]}; if r=n then break; fi; next; else M[j,1..n]:=0; fi; i:=i+1; od; return r, indS; end proc: #=========================================================================================== #Description # Given a set points with r-affine dimension, this fuction affinely transformate thes points # into a r dimensional vector space. We make r vectors from the r+1 points in indS as the # basis of S and denote A as the basis matrix. If p=A.x, then f(A):=IdentityMatrix(r).x. So # f is a affine transformation. With the matrix A and prebase, we can tranformate a point in # S to r dimensional space and recover it back to n dimensional spsce. #Inputs # S --- a set of points with r-affine dimension # indS --- a subset of r-affinely independant points # r --- affine dimension #Outputs # TRS,TrIndS --- the points after transformation in S and indS, respectively # A --- the basis matrix of S with the r vectors in indS as the basis # preBase --- the r vectors composed of the r+1 points in indS #=========================================================================================== affineTrans:=proc(S,indS,r) local i,j,A,b,x,M,n,TrS,TrIndS,preBase; if nops(indS)<>r+1 then error("Invalid inputs, the independant set must have r+1 elements"); end if; if nops(S)=0 or nops(indS)=0 then error("Invalid inputs, the inputs sets must be nonempty"); end if; n:=nops(S[1]); TrS:=[op(S)]; TrIndS:=[op(indS)]; M:=IdentityMatrix(r); for i from 1 to nops(TrS) do A:=Matrix(n,r); for j from 1 to r do A[1..n,j]:=Vector(TrIndS[j+1]-TrIndS[1]); end do; x:=LinearSolve(A,Vector(TrS[i]-TrIndS[1])); TrS:=subsop(i=convert(M.x,list),TrS); end do; preBase:=TrIndS; TrIndS:=subsop(1=[seq(0,i=1..r)],TrIndS); for i from 2 to r+1 do TrIndS:=subsop(i=convert(M[1..r,i-1],list),TrIndS); end do; return TrS,TrIndS,A,preBase; end proc: #========================================================================================= #Description # Given a set points which are n dimensional, return the its convex hull. If these points # sre r-affine dimensional, with rnops(S[i]) then error("Invalid input, the points must have same dimension"); end if; end do; r,indS:=affineDims(S); if r=1 then #if these points are in the same line, return the end points end1:=indS[1]; end2:=indS[2]; for i from 1 to m do for j from 1 to n do if (S[i]-end2)[j]<>0 then if ((S[i]-end2)[j]/(end1-end2)[j])>1 then end1:=S[i]; break; fi; if ((S[i]-end2)[j]/(end1-end2)[j])<0 then end2:=S[i]; break; fi; fi; end do; end do; # printf("These points sre 1-affine independant, the convex hull is a line segment and the end points are as follows"); return end1,end2; elif r=n then # if these points are n affine dimensional, return the facets F_V,H:=simplicialConvexHull(S,indS); certification(S,H); # printf("These points are %d -affine independant",n); return F_V,H; else # if their affine dimension is less than n TrS,TrIndS,A,preBase:=affineTrans(S,indS,r); F_V,H:=simplicialConvexHull({op(TrS)},{op(TrIndS)}); certification(TrS,H); # printf("These points are %d -affine independant and the convex hull is computed after affine transformation to %d dimension vector space",r,r); return F_V,H; end if; end proc: #======================================================================================== #Description # Given a set of points S and a list of points, this function returns the points in L which # is in the convex hull of S. Assume the points are n dimensional, if their affine dimension # r isless than n, we affinely transformate these points into r dimensional vector space, # and judge if p belong the convex hull therein. #Inputs: # S, L --- sets of points # LL --- ponits in L which is in the convex hull of S #======================================================================================== inConvexHull:=proc(S::set,L) local i,j,F_V,H,n,r,m,indS,k,S_min,S_max,ind,TrP,x,TrS,TrIndS,A,preBase,LL,flag,l; m:=nops(S);LL:=[]; if m=0 then error("Invalid inputs, S must be a nonempty set"); end if; if m=1 then # printf("The S has only one point, so the convex hull is itself"); for i from 1 to nops(L) do if L[i]=S[1] then LL:=[op(LL),L[i]]; end if; end do; return LL: end if; n:=nops(S[1]); for i from 2 to m do if n<>nops(S[i]) then error("Invalid input, the points must have same dimension"); end if; end do; printf("computing the affine dimension \n"); r,indS:=affineDims(S); m:=nops(L); printf("computing the convex hull \n"); if r=1 then # if these points are in the same line S_min,S_max:=convexHull(S); for i from 1 to m do if L[i]=S_min or L[i]=S_max then LL:=[op(LL),L[i]]; else for j from 1 to n do if (L[i]-S_max)[j]<>0 then if ((L[i]-S_max)[j]/(S_min-S_max)[j])>=0 and ((L[i]-S_max)[j]/(S_min-S_max)[j])<=1 then LL:=[op(LL),L[i]]; fi; break; fi; od; fi; od; return LL; elif r=n then # if these points are n-affine dimensional F_V,H:=simplicialConvexHull(S,indS); for i from 1 to m do flag:=0; for j from 1 to nops(H) do if evalf(Vector[row]([op(L[i]),-1]).H[j])>0 then flag:=1; break; end if; end do; if flag=0 then LL:=[op(LL),L[i]]; end if; end do; return LL: else #if these points are r-affine dimensional, do affine transformation #printf("affine dimension is less than n"); l:={}; for i from 1 to m do if (affineDims((indS union {L[i]})))[1]=r+1 then # if p is not in the affine hull of S, p is not in their convex hull, obviously. l:=l union {L[i]}; end if; end do; l:={op(L)} minus l;# return l; l:=[op(l)]; m:=nops(l); TrS,TrIndS,A,preBase:=affineTrans(S,indS,r); F_V,H:=simplicialConvexHull({op(TrS)},{op(TrIndS)}); for i from 1 to m do flag:=0; x:=LinearSolve(A,Vector(l[i]-preBase[1])); TrP:=IdentityMatrix(r).x; for j from 1 to nops(H) do if evalf(Vector[row]([op(convert(TrP,list)),-1]).H[j])>0 then flag:=1; break; end if; end do; if flag=0 then LL:=[op(LL),l[i]]; end if; end do; return LL; end if; end proc: end module; CertifiTools:=module() description "package for computing and certifying the lower bound r of rational functions by SOS"; local nChoosek, kth_subset, projSOS, roundApproxi, cutoff; export nVars_kth_monos, nVars2kth_monos, deg_mono, allDegree, getMonos, coeffs_monos, getSDP, certifiSOS, modifiSOS, isSemiPositive; option package; #=========================================================================== #Description # Given n variables, return all monomials of total degree k #Inputs # n --- the number of variables # k --- the total degree #Output # monos --- a list of lists whose elements are the degree of each variable #=========================================================================== nVars_kth_monos:=proc(n::integer,k::integer) local i,j,N,l,m,monos; if k<0 then error("Invalid input, degree k must be nonnegative"); end if; if k=0 then return [[seq(0,i=1..n)]]; end if; if n=1 then return [[k]]; end if; N:=ConvexHull[kth_subset](1,n+k-1,n-1);#return N; m:=nops(N); monos:=[]; for i from 1 to m do l:=[N[i][1]]; for j from 2 to n-1 do l:=[op(l),N[i][j]-N[i][j-1]]; end do; if n>1 then l:=[op(l),n+k-N[i][n-1]]; end if; #return l; for j from 1 to nops(l) do l:=subsop(j=l[j]-1,l); end do; monos:=[op(monos),l]; end do; return monos; end proc: #=========================================================================== #Description # Given n variables, return all monomials of total degree upto k #Inputs # n --- the number of variables # k --- the total degree #Output # L --- a list of lists(degree of each variable) #=========================================================================== nVars2kth_monos:=proc(n::integer,k::integer) local i,L; if k<0 then error("Invalid input, degree k must be nonnegative"); end if; L:=[]; for i from 0 to k do L:=[op(L),op(nVars_kth_monos(n,i))]; end do; return L; end proc: #=========================================================================== #Description # Given a monomial and a list of variables, return a list whose elements are # the degree of each variable #Inputs # mono --- a monomial # vars --- a list of variables #Output # L --- the degree list #=========================================================================== deg_mono:=proc(mono,vars::list) local i,n,L,flag; if type(mono,polynom)=false or type(mono,`+`) then error("Invalid inputs, mono must be a monomial"); end if; n:=nops(vars); if n<=0 then error("Invalid inputs, the number of variables must be more than 0 "); end if; L:=[seq(0,i=1..n)]; for i from 1 to n do flag:=0; while flag=0 do if divide(convert(mono,rational),(vars[i])^(L[i])) then L:=subsop(i=L[i]+1,L); else flag:=1; L:=subsop(i=L[i]-1,L); end if; end do; end do; return L; end proc: #============================================================================ #Description # Given a polynomial and a list of variables, return all the degree list of the # monomials apearing in f and the highest total degree #Inputs # f --- a polynomial # vars --- a list of variables #Output # L --- the degree list # d --- the total degree of f #============================================================================ allDegree:=proc(f,vars::list) local i,m,n,L,max,d,l; if type(f, polynom)=false then error("Invalid inputs, f must be a polynomial"); end if; if type(f,`+`)=false then L:=deg_mono(f,vars); d:=add(L[i],i=1..nops(L)); L:=[L]; return L,d; end if; n:=nops(vars); if n<=0 then error("Invalid inputs, variable number must be more than 0 "); end if; L:=[op(expand(f))]; m:=nops(L); l:=[]; for i from 1 to m do l:=[op(l),deg_mono(L[i],vars)]; end do; max:=1; for i from 2 to m do if add(l[i][j],j=1..n)>add(l[max][j],j=1..n) then max:=i; end if; end do; d:=add(l[max][i],i=1..n); return l,d; end proc: #======================================================================== #Description # Given polynomials f and g, return a list of monomials appearing # in the SOS relaxation: f-r*g=SOS #Inputs # f --- a polynomial # vars --- a list of variables #Output # s --- a list of monomials apearing in the SOS relaxation #======================================================================== getMonos:=proc(f,g,vars::list) local i,j,m,n,L_f,L_g,d,L,s,mono; L_f,d:=allDegree(f,vars); #return L_f,d; L_g,n:=allDegree(g,vars); #return L_f,L_g; if dabs(i),[coeffs(f),coeffs(g)]))); else M1:=SDPM1; end if; if SDPM2=0 then M2:=100*max(op(map(i->abs(i),[coeffs(f),coeffs(g)]))); else M2:=SDPM2; end if; L,c,x0,Z0:=SDPTools[BigM](L,c,M1,M2); return L,c,x0,Z0,monos; end proc: #==================================================================================================================== #Description # Given a rational function f/g, return the lower bound r, if f-r*g=SOS exsits. When you run CertifiSOS at first time, # it is no need to input the SDP data and it can get r if the iterations are enough. If it does return # a certified r, or you want to get a better one, run the second calling squence with the result of the first running. # Then it will continue to compute r. #Inputs: # f, g --- polynomials # iter_num --- number of iterations # F0_Fm, c_T --- data of the SDP from the SOS relaxation # x_SF, Z_SF --- the strictly feasible points # SOSmonomials --- monomials vector apearing in the SOS relaxation, get from the first running # SOSM1 --- upper bound of the trace of the Gram matrix # SOSM2 --- upper bound of the trace of the moment matrix #Outputs # L, c, X, Z --- described above, to be uesed the next running # minval --- the cerfitified lower bound # Q --- Gram matrix # monos --- described above #==================================================================================================================== certifiSOS:=proc(f::polynom, g::polynom, iter_num::posint, {SOSmonomials::Vector:=[]}, {SOSM1::posint:=0}, {SOSM2::posint:=0}, {c_T::list:=[]}, {F0_Fm::list:=[]}, {x_SF::list:=[]}, {Z_SF::Matrix:=0},$) local i,j,k,monos,m,M1,M2,X,Z,c,L,minval,resid,Q,coeffs_,polys,tol,t,LL,d; if SOSM1=0 then M1:=100*max(op(map(i->abs(i),[coeffs(f),coeffs(g)]))); else M1:=SOSM1; end if; if SOSM2=0 then M2:=100*max(op(map(i->abs(i),[coeffs(f),coeffs(g)]))); else M2:=SOSM2; end if; if SOSmonomials=[] then L,c,X,Z,monos:=getSDP(f,g,[op({op(indets(f)),op(indets(g))})],SDPM1=M1,SDPM2=M2); else monos:=SOSmonomials; if c_T=[] or F0_Fm=[] or x_SF=[] or Z_SF=0 then L,c,X,Z,monos:=getSDP(f,g,[op({op(indets(f)),op(indets(g))})],SDPmonomials=monos,SDPM1=M1,SDPM2=M2); else L:=F0_Fm; c:=c_T; X:=x_SF; Z:=Z_SF; end if; end if; # return c,X,Z,L; Q:=Matrix(Dimension(monos),Dimension(monos)); for k from 1 to iter_num do t:=time(); printf("************************************************************************************ \n"); printf("************************************************************************************ \n"); printf("the %d iteration begins \n",k); X,Z:=SolveSDP(c,X,Z,L,1,v=5); print(`the SDP objective is `,-Trace(L[1].Z)); for i from 1 to Dimension(monos) do for j from 1 to i do Q[i,j]:=Z[i,j]; end do; end do; for i from 1 to Dimension(monos) do for j from i+1 to Dimension(monos) do Q[i,j]:=Q[j,i]; end do; end do; minval:=Z[Dimension(monos)+1,Dimension(monos)+1]-Z[Dimension(monos)+2,Dimension(monos)+2]; resid:=norm(expand(f-minval*g-Transpose(monos).Q.monos),2); print(`At this iteration the lower bound is`); print(minval); printf("At this iteration the residual error before projection is\n "); print(resid); minval,Q:=projSOS(f,g,minval,monos,Q); LL,d:=isSemiPositive(Q); if LL=[] then print(`This lower bound is not certified and need more iterations \n`); print(`The time for this iteration is `,time()-t); next; else print(`The Gram matrix Q is semidefinite positive and this lower bound is certified. \n`); LL:=Transpose(monos).LL; tol:=evalf(expand(f-minval*g-add(d[i]*LL[i]^2,i=1..Dimension(d)))); print(`tolerance is`,tol); print(`The time for this iteration is`,time()-t); end if; printf("the %d iteration ends \n",k); printf("************************************************************************************ \n"); printf("************************************************************************************ \n"); end do; return minval,L,c,X,Z,Q,monos; end proc: #========================================================================= #Description # When we use certiSOS to get a high accuracy Gram matrix, if it is not # positive semidefinite, modifiSOS can round and cutoff the digits in Gram # matrix and minval to try to get a positve semidefinite matrix #Inputs: # f,g,Z,monos --- results from the certifiSOS # digit1 --- if the difference between Z[i,j] and the nearest integer # number is less than 10^(digit1), then return the nearest integer # digit2 --- retain Z[i,j] digit2 figures after the decimal point #Outputs # if it gets a positive semidefinite Gram matrix, then return: # minval --- certified lower boud # Q --- positive semidefinite matrix # LL --- list of polynomials, satisifies f-minval*g-add(d[i]*LL[i]^2,i=1..Dimension(d))=0 # d --- coefficients list #========================================================================= modifiSOS:=proc(f,g,Z,monos::Vector,digit1,digit2) local i,j,tol,resid,minval,Z1,m,n,Q,LL,d; n:=Dimension(monos); m:=RowDimension(Z); Z1:=Matrix(m); for i from 1 to m do for j from 1 to m do Z1[i,j]:=cutoff(roundApproxi(Z[i,j],digit1),digit2); end do; end do; minval:=Z1[n+1,n+1]-Z1[n+2,n+2]; Q:=Z1[1..n,1..n]; resid:=norm(expand(f-minval*g-Transpose(monos).Q.monos),2); print(`The residual error after modification and before projection is`); print(resid); minval,Q:=projSOS(f,g,minval,monos,Q); LL,d:=isSemiPositive(Q); if LL=[] then print(`This lower bound is not certified and need more iterations \n`); else print(`The Gram matrix Q is semidefinite positive and this lower bound is certified. \n`); LL:=Transpose(monos).LL; tol:=evalf(expand(f-minval*g-add(d[i]*LL[i]^2,i=1..Dimension(d)))); print(`tolerance is`,tol); end if; return minval,Q,LL,d; end proc: #================================================================== #Description # #================================================================== projSOS:=proc(f,g,lower,monos::Vector,Q) local i,j,k,d,m,n,rf,rg,rQ,rlower,c1,c2,mv,eqs,W; rf:=convert(f,rational,exact); rg:=convert(g,rational,exact); rlower:=convert(lower,rational,exact); rQ:=map(i->convert(i,rational,exact),Q); d:=expand(rf-rlower*rg-Vector[row](monos).rQ.Vector(monos)); if d=0 then return rlower,(Transpose(rQ)+rQ)/2; else if type(d,`+`) then d:=[op(d)]; else d:=[d]; end if; c1:=[seq(coeffs(d[i]),i=1..nops(d))]; c2:=[seq(d[i]/coeffs(d[i]),i=1..nops(d))]; eqs:=[seq([],i=1..nops(c2))]; mv:=[]; n:=Dimension(monos); for i from 1 to n do for j from 1 to n do for k from 1 to nops(c2) do if monos[i]*monos[j]=c2[k] then eqs:=subsop(k=[op(eqs[k]),[i,j]],eqs); end if; end do; end do; end do; W:=Matrix(n); for i from 1 to nops(eqs) do for j from 1 to nops(eqs[i]) do W[eqs[i][j][1],eqs[i][j][2]]:=c1[i]/nops(eqs[i]); end do; end do; W:=W+rQ; W:=(Transpose(W)+W)/2; return rlower,W; end if; end proc: #================================================================== #Description # Given a matrix A, this function judges that if A is semidefinite # positive matrix. If it is, return the LDL decomposition. #================================================================== isSemiPositive:=proc(A::Matrix) local i,j,k,m,n,L,d,M; m,n:=Dimension(A); if m<>n then error("the input matrix must be a square matrix \n"); end if; M:=Transpose(A); M:=M-A; for i from 1 to n do for j from 1 to n do if M[i,j]<>0 then printf("The input matrix is not a symmetrical \n"); return false; end if; end do; end do; L:=Matrix(n); d:=Vector(n); for k from 1 to n do # assume we have known the k-1 column of L,then for i from k to n do L[i,k]:=A[i,k]; for j from 1 to k-1 do L[i,k]:=L[i,k]-d[j]*L[i,j]*L[k,j]; end do; end do; if L[k,k]>0 then d[k]:=L[k,k]; L[k..n,k]:=L[k..n,k]/d[k]; elif Norm(L[k..n,k])>0 then printf("It is not a semidefinite matrix \n"); return [],[]; end if; end do; return L,d; end proc: #==================================================================================== #Description # Given a float number f, if the difference between f and the nearest integer number # id less than 10^(digit), then return the nearest integer, else return f. #==================================================================================== roundApproxi:=proc(f,digit) local num,den,temp; if type(f,float)=false and type(f,integer)=false then error("Invalid, the 1th argument requires to be a float or integer"); end if; if whattype(digit)<>integer or digit<0 then error("Invalid input, the 2th argument required to be a nonnegative integer"); end if; temp:=abs(f); num:=numer(convert(temp,rational)); den:=denom(convert(temp,rational)); #return num,den; if evalf(irem(num,den)/den)<10^(-digit) then if f>=0 then return iquo(num,den); else return -iquo(num,den); end if; elif evalf(1-irem(num,den)/den)<10^(-digit) then if f>=0 then return iquo(num,den)+1; else return -(iquo(num,den)+1); end if; else return f; end if; end proc: #======================================================================= #Description # Given a float point, retain its digit figures after the decimal point #======================================================================= cutoff:=proc(f,digit) local num,den,temp; if type(f,float)=false and type(f,integer)=false then error("Invalid, the 1th argument requires to be a float or integer"); end if; if whattype(digit)<>integer or digit<0 then error("Invalid input, the 2th argument required to be a nonnegative integer"); end if; if type(f,integer) then return f; end if; temp:=abs(f); temp:=convert(temp*10^(digit),rational); num:=numer(temp); den:=denom(temp); temp:=iquo(num,den)*10^(-digit); if f>=0 then return temp; else return -temp; end if; end proc: end module;